Early modern times

Early modern times

The early part of the Early Modern Period encompasses a period in European history, beginning with the Roman Empire, that was influenced by cultural transitions in other parts of the world. . About 75% of the world’s population lived in or near these areas. . The world’s first steamboats were built in the early 18th century. The beginnings of this period in Europe can be traced to a series of events beginning with a late 17th-century series that heralded the so-called Enlightenment. The Enlightenment was a time in European history when “ideas and concepts” swept across Europe and influenced the rest of the world, and is also considered one of the most important turning points in history. The Enlightenment began with ideas such as freedom of thought, tolerance, democracy and secularism.


The early modern period began as a revolt against the old system and the inequalities in society that ushered in the European Renaissance. The rise of the bourgeoisie, which was able to get new ideas and new ways of thinking about society, was a revelation for the people of that time. Advances in science and technology enabled some revolutions such as Galileo’s heliocentric Copernicus theory (which explained that the earth is not the center of the universe), the dowry system, and the development of mechanical clocks. The Scientific Revolution was one of the greatest moments in human history. The French Revolution (1789-1804) was a series of revolutionary events that began in France in 1789. This revolution was an important step towards democracy and brought about several major changes in a short pace. The French Revolution helped create a strong constitution in France. More importantly, the revolution also introduced many concepts that are now part of the common culture in different countries around the world, such as freedom of thought and expression, rights for women and minorities, freedom of religion, and freedom for non-Muslims in countries with Muslim majority (like Turkey). Another important event during this revolution was the Alabama Purchase, which included what is now the US state of Alabama. The French Revolution also had a major impact on the Italian Rebellion and helped create a strong constitution in Italy. In contrast to France’s rich culture and history, what is left of its revolutionary past is a brutal capitalist system that encourages exploitation and inequality. It also established an independent state of Liguria; This was the first successful nation-state established in Europe. Additionally, it marked the beginning of Italy’s industrialization, which would grow into a powerful force in Europe by World War I

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