

The Hindu religion is the oldest religion in India. It originated around 2500 years ago and has had many different forms of worship over the centuries. The main beliefs are in gods, goddesses, demons and other spirits. Some Hindus are also vegetarians or vegans, and some follow a strictly monotheistic form of worship called Amritsarism, in which they pray only to God and have no idols. The Hindu religion is an ancient religion that started around 2000 BC. in India. It is the third most practiced faith in the world after Christianity and Islam. Those who belong to this religion believe in many deities and many different practices. . The various deities are believed to be the source of a divine force called Deva, which is believed to be the energy that makes everything possible. The festival of Maha Shivaratri is one of the most important events in Hindu life. There are various rituals and customs performed during this festival.

  1. Theory
  2. History


The theory of Hinduism is the fundamental rationalization of human life. In the Kali Yuga, the aberrations emanating from science and technology proliferated because they had hopelessly sidelined religion: mankind’s dependence on one God! Oops! So now a whole new era has dawned, in which science plays a central role in the public consciousness around the world and religiosity no longer features in its secular courses as it is outdated! “The world is a vast ocean, and religions are the small islands that people inhabit. If we look at the sea surface, many different rocks are floating on it. These rocks also have different colors and shapes, but they all have one thing in common: they all belong to the same ocean,” says Ninian Smart. But from your point of view I am not entirely convinced and it is possible that you are wrong. There are still many conservative souls in the population of the United States who believe in the ancient and superstitious religious beliefs described above. But we also have to do our part, right? We must not only preach peace, but also promote reason and science, which are the ultimate solution to all our problems. We are all equal and therefore must not be discriminated against. And in the end it all boils down to choosing between two worlds, the one we were born into and the one we create for ourselves: good or bad.


Hinduism is the oldest living tradition of religious and philosophical beliefs and practices. Of hat Agamas when compiled into South Asian Hindu scriptures called to end tensions among Hindus, Jains and Sikhs among others. Certain key agamas such as “Tilak Surabhi” describe the social values ​​and ideals of India based mainly on monistic agamic metaphysics (this page from Stanford University), Bhagavad purana describes core contributions made by all living beings to benefit humanity through the movement of to help masses – human beings and all other forms of life on earth, while the last epic, Upaloka Mahatmyah or ‘heavenly descent’, by Adi Shankaracharya, long ago encompassing Brahman, came from India, beautiful verses about a mighty soul as Creator had – Indra, father of all. Gods and goddesses who had bodies of light and splendor and were the supreme deity of all living things (from the 14th century). Indian philosophers to synthesize knowledge from all senses – sensory, intellectual. They knew that our world is not the material world of matter, but an indestructible immaterial spirit body. They knew that the world was created by a supreme being to keep all living beings in harmony and live in peace forever – Brahman. This is called “Dharma” (norm, duty) and is all related to God.

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