

Perfectionism is a psychological condition in which perfectionist people become over-committed to doing something, to the point of over-devotion. It’s not just about making sure you’ve done an action or task in your life as perfectly as possible, but also making sure you’ve done it perfectly and completely. Perfectionism can be compared to perfectionist behavior, which often leads to perfectionism being attacked. Perfectionism can also be seen in relation to perfectionist people who have a high need for praise and approval. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but on the other hand, it can make them vulnerable to negative feedback about their actions or tasks. This applies in particular when it comes to constructive criticism of one’s own behavior or one’s own performance, which justifies neither praise nor recognition. The problem with this is that it can be so difficult for people to offer constructive criticism positively because rewards and approvals of this kind are very important to all types of individuals.

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Perfectionism is a common but neglected problem. Perfectionists tend to overwork, stress, and make mistakes. You have a tendency to create work and never finish a specific task. Perfectionists are also not very good at time management because they can’t tell when they’ll finish work or how much time is left until the deadline. . You may think of little other than how much time is left to complete a task before the deadline. Negativity and pessimism are also common among perfectionists, which can make it very difficult for them to stay motivated.


A perfectionist is someone who is able to have a specific project or task on their mind every minute. All other things being equal, perfectionists tend to be more successful at the same work than non-perfectionists. It also appears that high levels of perfectionism have a positive correlation with success and happiness. in life, at least in western culture. The International Journal of Human Resource Management and performance management experts also noted some interesting findings: “More than half of perfectionist managers (55 percent) who were dissatisfied with their performance received a larger raise than those who rated their performance as.” rated satisfactory (28 percent). In short, the authors found that perfectionists were more likely to achieve better results. It’s clear that it’s not about being unrealistic with your goals. It’s about keeping them in mind and getting everything done on time. Perfectionists tend to have higher expectations, but they don’t have unrealistic ones: “The authors of this working paper used a large sample (3,000) of self-proclaimed perfectionists in a self-report inventory.

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