

Syria is a landlocked country in the Middle East. Formerly part of the greater region known as the Levant, it borders Turkey, Iraq, Jordan and Israel. Syria’s geographic location creates a number of problems when it comes to effectively controlling its borders and maintaining stability within its borders. . Located in the middle of a part of the Middle East known as the Syrian Desert, the country has three main borders: Iraq, Jordan and Israel. It also borders Lebanon to the south and east. The country has recently been united with two main factions: the rebellion called Hazzm (al-Hajj), led by Ahmed al-Abadi with a new name, Masih Adnan al-Husseini, and the Iraqi State Restoration known as The New Iraq.

Syria has been plagued by wars since the early 20th century. In recent years, the conflict has intensified, with the war-torn country facing both a humanitarian and a political crisis. The Syrian conflict is currently being closely monitored by world powers due to its potential impact on Syria’s neighbors and the international community. . The Syrian civil war began in 2011 when the Assad regime launched a military crackdown on pro-democracy protests by the country’s citizens. In response, protesters took to the streets in many cities across Syria demanding reform of President Bashar al-Assad’s rule. Although the war has continued since then, some changes have come quickly. For example, millions of Syrians have been displaced from their homes since the start of the Syrian conflict, and the country is still mired in civil war. The UN estimates that 20 percent of Syria’s pre-war population has been displaced, while 3 million people have become refugees. Another 300,000 died in the conflict, including about 40,000 children.

  1. History
    1. Old History
    2. Modern History
  2. Geography
  3. Politics
    1. Government
    2. Economy
  4. Culture


The history of Syria is the oldest and longest-running civil war in the world. The land was first inhabited by Neanderthals during the Middle Stone Age (about 400,000 years ago), the earliest anatomically modern humans about 250,000 years ago and then about 40,000 BC. in the 2nd century AD and the Byzantine Empire in the 6th century AD. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has ruled Syria since 2000, defeating several opposition factions and eventually ousting a US-backed anti-Assad insurgency in 2011 and left behind a brutal civil war that has so far claimed the lives of more than 370,000 people (the death toll is expected to rise as the conflict drags on). Countries.

Old History

The history of Syria is the oldest and longest-running civil war in the world. In order to understand the unfolding events of this longstanding conflict, it is important to have a clear understanding of Syria’s history. . This section attempts to provide some background information, including a brief history of the ancient kingdom of Syria and an overview of the modern state that has emerged from these ancient origins. It should also be noted that this is not intended to be a comprehensive presentation, just an overview. The Kingdom of Syria was once a powerful kingdom that spanned North Africa and Western Asia in ancient times. At the time of Pompey in the late 1960s B.C. By 300 BC Syria was divided into two parts, one controlled by Rome and the other by a local king. The Romans eventually subdued both parts of Syria but retained control of the population and territory.

Modern History

During the Cold War, when the US and USSR fought each other, Syria and China were allies against the USSR. But when the two countries went to war with each other in the late 1960s, Syria became China’s enemy. The US and USSR used chemical weapons to cause a human catastrophe in Syria, killing more than half of the population. The result was an economic catastrophe for both countries, leading to a massive refugee crisis. Refugees came and settled in Europe, triggering a refugee crisis for the EU as well. The Assad regime and Islamic terrorism Al Qaeda has used Syria as a base from which to launch terrorist attacks against Western nations such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia and Chechnya, among many others. In response to these terrorist attacks, many countries have supported the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to fight Islamist terrorism. The SDF is a coalition of moderate and secular militants from several countries including Iraq, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon. The US has supported the SDF in an attempt to weaken the Assad regime’s military and diplomatic capabilities, as well as Russia in its fight against ISIS. This was the main reason for the US to encourage an alliance with this militant group; a catastrophic one that threatens Syria’s territorial integrity.


Syria is one of the oldest and most dynamic countries in the Middle East. Its borders include Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon. Syria is also known for its beautiful landscapes, diverse culture, history and rich heritage – all of which give it global importance. .The country is home to many beautiful natural and cultural wonders, such as the ancient city of Palmyra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Some 150 years ago it was a thriving historic city on the verge of being destroyed by war and neglect. And then in May of this year – it was completely destroyed by ISIS terrorists. The archaeological site is on the UNESCO World Heritage List and is one of the largest and oldest cities in the world. The destruction by ISIS was a great shame for Syria as it was an important milestone in the country’s history. But now Palmyra is back to its glory days as an ancient Syrian city. The sculptures are all intact and in pristine condition – a testament to their ancient past.


The Syrian civil war started in 2011 and has never ended. No one knows exactly when the conflict will end, but one thing is certain: there will be no peace or tranquility. The Assad government, backed by Hezbollah and Iran, is fighting alleged Sunni terrorists. The rebels have used the same tactic: fighting for freedom without sharing their goals or interests. with the government. The result is a war that has claimed around 250,000 lives and displaced millions. The Syrian conflict has already affected some of the smallest countries in the world. Losing a neighbor can be very costly for small nations, and even larger ones like Canada may need to get used to dealing with refugees one-on-one. Here’s a closer look at the tiny countries affected by the Syrian conflict:


Syria is currently locked in a devastating civil war, with Syrian rebels fighting both the regime in Damascus and various opposition groups. The Assad regime, together with Russia and Iran, has fought back against the rebels with chemical weapons. President Assad has called on the United Nations to launch an investigation into a chemical weapons attack in Syria that killed hundreds of civilians in 2013. The opposition has accused the Assad regime of carrying out the attack, which rebels have blamed. .


While the civil war in Syria has grown into a political, economic and military conflict, it is also becoming a regional one. This article will talk about the current Syrian economy and discuss its fundamentals. and the factors that helped it survive the war. The Syrian economy is unique in terms of its size, scope and performance during this war. It has been fighting a civil war for four years, but the country’s economy has undergone a drastic transition from one based on public spending and borrowing to one based on private investment and capital formation. This transformation allows the Syrian government to fund its ongoing war effort with oil revenues and inflows of foreign funds. The country became a net exporter of raw materials at the beginning of 2014 and was able to import fuel from abroad for the first time since 1996. It also became self-sufficient in petrochemical production, allowing it to produce fuel on its own account and bootleg international markets.


Syrian culture is widely known as one of the oldest civilizations in the world and their culture has been preserved through history to this day. . In the past it was mainly inhabited by Berbers. The main distinguishing feature of this culture is the existence of several “old” cities, built at right angles to each other and aligned with a large river belt. The most important were Saba, Ceuta, Melilla and Gibraltar. Most of these cities were founded in prehistoric times. and were abandoned in the 11th century, although some remained inhabited into the 18th century. At that time, townships were moved to remote areas for a more comfortable life, and many of them were abandoned due to new developments.

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