Table Tennis

Table Tennis

Table tennis is an active and interactive sport. Played by two people on a single court, it requires skill to negotiate the net, balance and land the ball to score points. An excellent table tennis player can be a very good golfer, it’s like playing golf with your eyes closed. . The truth is that most people have a better sense of balance than they realize and often end up on the floor looking like an idiot… I can’t blame them. Let’s face it, if you have any kind of coordination at all, you’re going to fall down anyway. This sport requires a certain level of skill to be enjoyed by all,

Table tennis is a popular sport in Asia, Europe and America. It is played with a shuttlecock (a small, hard ball), rackets, and one or more players. The game is played on a rectangular net raised from the bottom of the table at each end of the court. Players try to bring back the shuttlecock or their own ball for this purpose without it going over the net and through the court. A point is scored when the ball reaches the opponent’s side of the table and it is a mark if either player has their shuttlecock in play at any point during the game. Mixed Doubles Tennis: Three players hold a ball back on a net at the end of a court, with a different player sitting on each side. The object of the game is for one player to get close to the other two players and hold their shuttlecock for a maximum of three points. A point scored by each team, regardless of whether the ball crosses the net before it is returned, counts with a mark if either team scores that score.

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