

Bangladesh is the most densely populated and poorest country in South Asia. It is the 187th most populous and the second most populous Muslim country. The tourism industry in this country also plays a significant role as it is said to be one of the most popular tourist destinations in South Asia.

Bangladesh has a rich and diverse culture due to its ethnic heritage, multiple languages, tribes and religions.

Bangladesh, formerly known as East Pakistan, is a country in South Asia on the Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean. It consists of eight mou

Bangladeshis are composed of Bengalis and many speak forms of Dhivehi. More importantly, the total population is over 24 years old, 84% is Muslim, 86% is literate, and 0.0004% is Christian.

Bengali culture differs slightly from Indian, as in Bangladesh Islam is an important part of cultural identity rather than Hinduism (which dominates India) or Buddhism (which dominates Myanmar).

  1. History
    1. Old History
    2. Modern History
  2. Geography
  3. Politics
    1. Government
    2. Foreign Relations
  4. Demographics
  5. Culture
    1. Art
    2. Food


Bangladesh is a Muslim country in South Asia. Its area is 92,167 square kilometers and with its population of 164,580,000 and ranked third in population growth rate which ensures its longevity for the future of Bangladesh.

1608 AD: The province of Bengal was part of the Mughal Empire until 1756 AD. The first Mughal ruler was Emperor Muhammad Shah Durrani and Queen Khatun often worked to promote Akbar’s policies like Ayubashin here after establishing their interests here. 1756 – 1757 AD: Abdullah Qadir Baksh vows to protect his Hindu friends of the city, leading them through great perils even after the first public order enforced by the court decree of Nawab Ali was violated on three separate occasions in of the Cossimbazar region comes into force

Old History

Bangladesh is a Muslim country in South Asia. Its area is 92,167 square kilometers and with its population of 164,580,000, it ranks third in population growth rate, which ensures its longevity for Bangladesh’s future.

1608 AD: The province of Bengal was part of the Mughal Empire until 1756 AD. The first Mughal ruler was Emperor Muhammad Shah Durrani and Queen Khatun often worked to promote Akbar’s policies like Ayubashin here after establishing her interests here. 1756 – 1757 AD: Abdullah Qadir Baksh swears to protect his Hindu friends of the city and leads them through great perils even after the first public order enforced by the court decree of Nawab Ali three times in the Cossimbazar region power was violated

Modern History

In 1876, under British rule, Bengal was divided into two provinces – East Bengal and West Bengal. The division of the region was carried out to make room for more efficient governance and administration in the region and to create a more homogeneous population.

In 1911 East Bengal became a separate province and in 1912 Western Bihar became a separate province. In 1935 Birbhum District in West Bengal was converted into a separate administrative unit/district named “Bardhaman” when it ceased to be part of Undivided Bengal. In 1946 the division was abolished and in 1947 Bardhaman became a full district. The partition of India resulted in the creation of two sovereign nations, India and Pakistan; East Pakistan became Bangladesh after its separation from West Pakistan in 1971.

In 1971 East Pakistan became Bangladesh after its separation from West Pakistan. The country was split into two different countries due to political unrest in the region. The people of East Pakistan wanted a separate country that was more culturally and religiously diverse. . However, the people of West Pakistan were against it. The Pakistani military then attacked. This is known as the Bangladesh Liberation War. .This is where I’m going a little off course. The Bangladesh Liberation War was the beginning of the end for East Pakistan. In 1971 East Pakistan became Bangladesh after its separation from West Pakistan. The country was split into two different countries due to political unrest in the region. The people of East Pakistan wanted a separate country that was more culturally and religiously diverse


Bangladesh is the 163rd most populous country in the world as of 2017. It has an area of 211,570 km2 divided geographically into three main parts: the southern part, the western chattogram and flood plains, and the northeastern part where Khulna appears on the southern edge.

Shaped like a saucer with a bulge in the south, Bangladesh has a densely populated valley surrounded by mountains, while Dhaka and the surrounding metropolitan area form a triangular closed bowl on one side of the river estuary with the port of Dhaka connecting to Ulu Thortu is – Kholpetang is an affiliated port. The country lies between 21.26′ north latitude on either side of 87.30′ east longitude. The range extends north to south along the Bangladesh border within India (map of Bangladesh


Politics in Bangladesh can be a very complex game. People are often confused about the intricacies of the system, and in an effort to raise our voices, ordinary people are becoming more comfortable simply speaking their minds without going through the traditional long, hard road of becoming politicians.

Bangladesh has been in a state of chaos since 1991. The rise of extremists and extreme ideologies often leads to wars, misunderstandings and popular divisions.

However, journalists aiming to save the nation from self-destruction have created a network called “Storytellers of Bangladesh” which examines trends in society and tries to tell a cosmic story of Bangladesh with creative ideas and insights.


In modern society, citizens play an active role in politics. In various configurations, these citizens range from members of grassroots organizations or political parties to social activists and citizen photographers.

The Bangladesh government is not the first on this list to crack down on fake news content. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter announced measures to prevent the spread of fake news online in 2016, with Facebook announcing changes including showing warning signs next to controversial stories.

Bangladesh is a country of the Islamic Republic in South Asia. Currently, Banglarkar holds the top spot in developing the lowest dropout detection tool from 27 countries
Bangladesh does not have the resources it needs for education and yet it has managed to develop innovative technologies for educational programs. Although school facilities remain disadvantaged, e-learning is offered as a supplement. .Bangladesh has 147 million inhabitants. It is the eighth most populous country in the world. Bangladesh became an independent country in 1971.

Foreign Relations

Bangladesh is a diverse country that faces challenges in many different sectors. With its extensive geopolitical boundaries and abundant resources, it has an underdeveloped legislative system that makes it difficult to set regulations for foreign investment.

The challenges Bangladesh is currently facing are a product of past centuries. Bangladesh has made no progress since independence due to a lack of developing political, economic and sectoral strategies that would serve its long-term interests.

In terms of external relations, Bangladesh needs to forge more cooperative alliances with neighboring countries as well as create short-term solutions that would enable them to successfully carry out their immediate tasks.

The leadership led by the military coup shifted power in controversial politics, returning to traditional attitudes that made Islam indispensable in the heart of every Bengali citizen, and coexisted with radical ideas for a domestic policy through which ultimate security is found – “From the enemy state to democracy”. .

With India being a neighbor and Bangladesh’s economy heavily dependent on trade in materials and labor for trade and other industries, there are tremendous opportunities despite the current difficult situation.


The population of Bangladesh is approximately 151 million and the life expectancy of Bangladesh at birth has been reported as 67 years. In 2011, gross domestic product (GDP), or total combined output, measured in a common unit of measure, was about $151 billion, according to reports from the US Department of State and the World Bank. The consumption rate per capita was about 30,000 in 2012. The capital, Dhaka, is 890 kilometers from mainland India but has a US$2 trillion economy closely linked to it. Overall, the country allocates a third of its budget to education systems, and this spending makes it one of the top 10 countries to spend on education per student each year.


Bangladesh is not only known as a food destination in South Asia and the bag-lady capital of the world, but also has a rich culture as one of the leading Islamic religious countries in Asia. The climate, politics, values and attitudes are obstacles to the global view of this rapidly growing country. .The country is a melting pot of faiths and cultures and is home to some of the most distinctive forms of Islamic orthodoxy in the world. The nation is shaped in a unique way by its social and cultural diversity. With more than 164 million inhabitants, Bangladesh is one of the most populous countries in South Asia


Traditional folk art of Bangladesh is associated with various religious rituals such as dhaka shant (doormat) weaving. During the Tulabhakti period, artists typically use morning dew on their spindles to create organic patterns such as serpentines and pinwheels by dancing on a wooden platform called Michu Attar Khoprai, which is a tradition in Bhawal Puraniya and Patari. .The Dhaka shant is usually handwoven and women usually begin when they can sit up with support and play the role of a spinning machine. Dhaka shant weaving is still practiced in rural areas but has been replaced by electric looms. Pakshi, a thick cloth woven from rice fibers, is an important product in Bangladesh’s economy.


Bangladesh is a country in South Asia made up of thousands of islands and coastal areas. This nation is known for being home to many exotic dishes, from delicious tea-smoked fish to aromatic Zer-Om fruit. Learn about the cuisine and culture of this subcontinent with information on food, festivals, dress and lifestyle.

Bangladeshi cuisine is an important part of Bangladeshi culture. The liberal Muslim country is over 400 years old and its residents are mostly Bengalis who adhere to strict dietary laws known as the Nyaya Laws. In particular, the food should be very healthy and mostly vegetarian, with no spicy or strong-tasting dishes served optionally (low in protein). Kaloja Pitha – Rice cake baked in brass or iron at high temperatures

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