

Cambodia is a beautiful country in Southeast Asia. It is also known as the “Pearl of Asia” as it is home to the world’s largest freshwater lake, Tonle Sngu, and is a politically stable nation that has experienced significant economic growth since the 1970s.

When the Khmer called it Kampuchea, it was mistakenly translated simply as Cambodia. The country made history when it gained independence from France as Kampuchea Krom Karam and changed its name to the Kingdom of Cambodia after the revolution in 1970.

Cambodia’s population is around 15-16 million people and is mostly agricultural with rice being the main product. “Cambodia’s economy is primarily agricultural, with rice being the country’s main export. The country is trade oriented with exports of garments, textiles and seafood being its main products.” Cambodia mainly exports rice, garments, textiles and seafood. “In 2005, the value of bilateral trade between Cambodia and Vietnam was US$1.9 billion.” Bilateral trade between Cambodia and Vietnam was US$1.9 billion in 2005 product. The country’s economy is primarily agricultural, with rice being the country’s main export.

  1. History
    1. Old History
    2. Modern History
  2. Geography
  3. Politics
    1. Economy
    2. Government
  4. Demographics
  5. Culture


Cambodia is landlocked and the most populous country in Southeast Asia. There are many reasons for Cambodia’s decline from the pre-Angkorian empire in the 15th century to independence in the 1930s. One of these reasons is the lack of interest in history among young Cambodians

Old History

Cambodia’s ancient civilization thrived for thousands of years before being conquered by the Khmer. The pre-Angkorian kingdom consisted of diverse cultures, mainly Hindu, Buddhist and Jain. Cambodian art that emerged during this period spread across Indochina during the Katheyawon – Dance of the Slaying Demons, which involved movements and expressions mimicking Buddhist “rainstorms with snake heads carrying human hearts in their mouths” (pop). With the discovery of Angkor Wat by the French in the late nineteenth century, Cambodians are finally aware of their nation’s history and culture. – Dance of the Slaying Demons, which included movements and expressions mimicking Buddhist “rainstorms with snake heads carrying human hearts into their mouths” (pop). Finally with the discovery of Angkor Wat by the French in the late nineteenth century

Modern History

In 1818, Cambodia’s first capital was founded in Battambang, thanks largely to the pioneering work of Augustus Graham, who wanted to build a brighter future for his new country. After Battambang’s honorable defeat by Burma in 1857, King Ramkhamsyn began preparations for another capital, reluctantly established under French supervision at Phnom Penh of Amponsaire, Berthelet, Ambonnesse, and Mature. During the planning of this second capital, King Ram Khamsyn also built a new bridge over the Tonlé Sap River, connecting the two cities. The bridge is known as Angkor Bay and continues to support this claim. The death of Ramkhamsyn in 1867 was followed by a period of anarchy and confusion that grew in intensity with each succeeding generation


Cambodia is a small country in Southeast Asia. Known as the largest country in mainland Southeast Asia, it is surrounded by Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia and the sea. It has approximately 16.69 million inhabitants, 24% of whom live outside Cambodian territory. In 2011, around 4,100 Cambodians were killed in their massacre by the Khmer Rouge and still suffer from severe psychological problems today.

Cambodia’s geography takes place in mainland Southeast Asia, shielded on three sides by neighboring countries Thailand and Vietnam. The CO2 emissions in this region are 53% higher than the average population, as the mostly built settlements, partly created for tourism reasons, are certainly driving consumption rates to extremely high levels and most likely contributing to climate change. The total land area is 55,035 square kilometers and the population size is 16,285,000 people with a population density of 75.2 people per square kilometer in 2018. The country has a dense population with 40% or 10 million people living less than $1.00 per Living day, that means extremely high standards in international comparison


With a population of over 15 million, Cambodia is the second largest country in Southeast Asia. The well-known kingdom before Angkor was dominated by Romans and Arabs. After the dissolution of the Angkor Empire, Cambodia went through hundreds of years of wars and factions before falling under French colonization in the 19th century.

After World War II, Cambodia became a pro-American country, ruled by former President Lon Nol and the Khmer Rouge from 1975 to 1979, until a democratic Kampuchea was established. It remains a multi-ethnic state with a 25 percent Buddhist population and four major religions: Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and Hinduism.


The Cambodian economy is currently in a deep recession. The country’s population has shrunk from 18 million people to just 7 million in the last decade. . Like many Asian countries, Cambodia has shown some growth in recent years, but that has largely been driven by population growth and projected future growth from a burgeoning middle class. Despite this, the number of Cambodians living below the poverty line is still high, with 48 million people living on food stamps.

Cambodia is experiencing economic advances in the agricultural sector in recent years, but is also entering an unstable political climate as long as there is no change in Cambodia’s legislative system, which was inactive during the 20th-century uprising and long civil war. Kissing Tree Farm, located in Kompong Speu Province, is one of the country’s most important production farms and is home to more than 4,000 chickens. The farm has a permanent production capacity of 2 million chickens per year and can be expanded to a total production capacity of 4 million chickens within the next five years.


The Cambodian government has been accused of corruption, human rights violations and crackdowns on the opposition. The ruling party is trying to stay in power by using violence and threatening its citizens by using the country’s legal framework. , according to a report by US-based advocacy group Human Rights Watch. “Cambodia needs strong and independent judges who are willing to challenge government decisions, including the prime minister’s decisions, in court,” Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch, said in a statement released earlier this week. “They should also be able to use the law to prevent the government from violating the rights of Cambodian citizens.” According to Human Rights Watch, human rights violations in Cambodia are caused by an “unbridled” denial of freedom of expression and information. -based group has described the situation in Thailand – which is also home to some of Asia’s poorest people – as a “grave human rights crisis”.


Cambodia is a small country in Southeast Asia. With 2.8 million inhabitants, it is the most populous region in East Asia. The Dgratz study of the American Civil War cites Cambodia’s long history as a major military power and its geopolitical position alongside smaller countries such as Laos, Vietnam and Thailand.

The population density ranges from 0.5 to 1.6 persons per hectare in rural areas and 5.3 to 11.2 persons per hectare in urban areas, but with a significant gender difference in the number of children. The number of people had increased spatially by 7%, making them more dispersed across the country and making it more difficult to obtain actual time-series data on gender ratios over time

After a period of immigration in the 1960s, many have left Cambodia since the 1970s, resulting in an overall increasing population density with many families living in poverty and unemployment rates approaching 40%.

A recent report released by UNICEF shows that less than half of Cambodian children complete their primary education. Because many children cannot attend secondary school for financial and social reasons. Parents are unable to afford school fees, travel expenses and basic necessities for their children. While the government offers education through a variety of grants, these only cover a third of the cost


Cambodia is considered one of the poorest countries in Southeast Asia, but has many different cultures. Cambodians and Khmers make up a large part of the labor force.

Cambodia is a country with a unique culture, characterized by the blending of old traditions and lifestyles with new ones. The history of the country is marked by war, political unrest and genocide. But at the heart of this nation lies a culture that is the perfect blend of old and new, with some cultural traditions still practiced today.

Known for its delicious cuisine, Cambodia has a rich culture spanning centuries of history. The country’s food is a perfect blend of French, Asian and Cambodian flavors. They also have great curries, fresh seafood and coffee from wealthy farms, crunchy french rolls and more!

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